Set up types if you’re using TypeScript

import type { Dispatch } from 'react';

export type State = {};

// These are utility types and can be exported somewhere else
type Action<T extends string, P> = { type: T; payload: P };
type ActionWithoutPayload<T extends string> = { type: T };

// These are the actions that can be dispatched
type Reset = ActionWithoutPayload<"RESET">;
type UpdateField = Action<"UPDATE_FIELD", { name: string; value: unknown }> // be more specific than me

export type Actions = Reset | UpdateField;

export type ContextState = State & {
  // Some people create two layers of context for state & dispatch,
  // do what you feel is best for your project
  dispatch: Dispatch<Actions>

Set up your reducer

Immer does export a useImmerReducer hook, I don’t use that. If I decide to rip out immer, I’ll just need to re-implement my reducer function and not shuffle type definitions or alter my context definition.

Set up your context

This is very much a boilerplate to get you started. Very important, if you’ve got a large application and need global stores, look at other solutions like Zustand or Jotai, they do a much better job at reducing unnecessary re-renders. This pattern should wrap small parts of a application, such as a form experience or in a Micro Context pattern.

You can customise the ContextState type to include computed values which you’ll compute using a useMemo or inline in the Provider. You can also add additional props to the Provider to determine the initial state, remember to store these values for later use in the RESET action.

Also also, rename these functions/types/files to be more specific to your use case. I’ve used State and Actions as generic names, but you should be more specific to your use case.